- An Enthusistic Idol -
At ECA, we have exactly one male admin and that is abang Fad! A new member of the team, he has proven himself as an earnest addition to the school. Alway eager to learn, his appetite for self-improvement extends beyond ECA and into two other jobs! How does he do it? Let's find out.
(Disclaimer : Much of the interview was conducted in the Malay language, so some words have been translated)
ECA : You juggle so many jobs! What’s your week like?
FAD : I work three jobs. First, working in Food and Beverage as an admin and also delivery. Then the second one is this, an admin at a tuition school. And the third one is at Great Eastern as a Financial Planner; I become an advisor for clients. I have my own pace. Like, Monday to Wednesday, at GE. And then Thursday to Saturday, at both tuition and GE. And then, Sunday, is here, at tuition. After I finish my job, at 10 O'Clock, I have my free time. I can do whatever I want - play games! (Laughs)
ECA : Which job do you enjoy the most?
FAD : (Laughs) All of it. I enjoy all of it! (Laughs) Because, I’m encountering people, right? That’s why I enjoy it. I’m not the the type that’s just sitting around, not doing anything. So that’s why I like working these three types of work lah. Also, they’re in different fields - F & B, Financial and Education. I just want to boost up my lack of experience. Now, I’m 29. So I need to build experience while I am still young. In the future, I think I want to open my own business.
ECA : What made you become an admin?
FAD : I’m taking this job to enhance my skills, to meng-improve-kan my interpersonal skills. (Laughs) So, like, I will feel less shy talking to people. I don’t want to be awkward with others and... Moreover, before this, I worked in education as an Assistant Manager. In here, I want to improve my communication even more. Communicating with colleagues or parents or students or tutors. Because I don’t mind people, the things they say. I don’t mind. Because I like to talk with other people.
ECA : What do you enjoy about being an admin?
FAD : Ahh… There are so many! Okay. First. I know the education system now. It’s different from my time, from back then. Second, I like being an admin. I get to meet parents, know their problems and their feelings about their children. And, the third one, and… yeah, of course, because it’s a different field. I’ve never experienced tuition. When I was young, I never had the chance to study at a tuition school. So when I become an admin, I get to know, what is tuition like. I started last November, so I don’t feel like I gained much experience yet. So I want to stay longer, to get more and more and more experience about working in a tuition school.
ECA : What have you learned so far?
FAD : Here? What have I learned? Hmm… Okay. Independence. Self-independence. Yeah. I learned a lot working here. Especially about independence. When people trust us,we have to do our best for whatever is given to us. That’s it. It’s what I like about this job.
It's people like abang Fad that proves that you can never stop learning! ECA is so privileged to provide a platform for young adults to further enhance their professional skills. We hope you continue to learn and grow with us, abang Fad!