- A Sweet Hero -
A gentle and soft-spoken teacher, Bella has been teaching Primary classes at Edu Champ Academic for just over a year now. Beneath the sweet-tempered exterior, however, is a firm and hardy nature with years of experience of keeping unruly children under her thumb. But don't take it from us - let the interview do the talking!
ECA : What’s your favourite part about teaching?
BELLA : I can control my time management. Right now, I’m still in college. So I still need to manage my time, like study assignments, and make lesson plans. But right now, I learn to control my patience and my anger. Because kids, right? (Laughs) Yeah. It was kind of hard for me to control my anger, before I was a teacher. But now I can control it - because, they’re not my brothers.
ECA : Do you have a large family?
BELLA : (Laughs) I have 8 brothers and I’m the eldest! The youngest is still a baby. It’s tough. Very tough, because they’re all boys, so.. Sometimes I become a boy! I’m the eldest, so I need to teach them. I need to lead them, and become the best for them to follow my lead! I teach my brothers too. It used to be mostly Maths. But now, my second brother is taking IT in school, so I teach them IT also. That’s my course right now actually. It’s my final semester.
ECA : What do you teach here?
BELLA : I teach Science and MIB. Last year, I was teaching Maths, English, Bahasa Melayu and Social Studies, before. Actually, I was teaching secondary subjects before. But then, since I’m still in college, HND, so I take Primary now. It’s kind of fun. If I was teaching secondary, I have to be more serious. But PSR is just logical knowledge. So it’s something I can easily teach them. Yeah. I love teaching Science because, I don’t know, it’s just kind of fun! MIB, because it’s just sort of my language, right?
ECA : So what have you learned since teaching tuition?
BELLA : Because, as IT students, we need time management, so I can manage my time between working and studying. Also, I learned how to managing my family timing. That’s my experience as a teacher so far. I want to take this experience to the future, not just for work, but for marriage also. Yeah. So I can easily control children. (Laughs)
ECA : So what do you want to be after your course?
BELLA : Maybe, if I’m lucky, I can take IT security? Something like that. Or a technician, maybe. I’m not sure yet. But I hope so. Because of the high salary! (Laughs)
You sure can't judge a book by it's cover! No one she has a knack for taming an unruly classroom - all that experience with her younger brothers make a difference. We wish you the best of luck with your future endeavours - especially when it comes to younger children!